When a critical mass of IIOM members in a country has been reached an approach to IIOM International can be made to start a local chapter.
These early discussions are to explore the possibility of starting a local Chapter
If these initial discussions conclude successfully a formal request to set up a Chapter should be made.
A meeting between Chapter representatives and IIOM International is then planned to discuss the request and the process to establish a new chapter. Usually this will be held in the new chapter country.
At this meeting it will be decided who will do what and a Project Plan will need to be created The first step is that the National Chapter needs to be incorporated in that country as a legal entity. This can take some time to complete. IIOM International will provide model legal documents such as Articles of Association and a delegation agreement showing the relationship between the chapter and the Institute
A meeting of willing volunteers who wish to run the Chapter needs to take place following the establishment of the legal identity. At this meeting it will be necessary to select a Chapter Chairman,
and delegate responsibilities to other IIOM council members.
The second requirement is to Plan to hold a first Members Meeting and how best to market and promote the meeting.
At a meeting with IIOM International it will be necessary to formally sign the Delegation Agreement.
Typical roles for the new chapter leadership will be as follows.
In the early stages it may be possible to run with just the Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. The other roles can be filled when the need is established.
Once the Chapter is established and holding regular meetings it will be required promote and market the benefits of membership using press articles, member promotions, newsletters and social media. The marketing activities will be developed within the local chapter.
It is preferred that member companies sponsor meetings to help develop the institute and help promote the event by telling their customers. The first members meeting is a major step in the future success of the chapter. If possible a member of the IIOM International will be in attendance.
Support will come from the IIOM International Directors and IIOM CTO. To register your interest in setting up a chapter please email admin@theiiom.org
Each chapter signs a Delegation agreement that describes the way in which IIOM International expects each Chapter to be organised. In each territory it will be necessary to establish a legal identity for the chapter and agree Articles of Association defining the legal working arrangements.
The Chapter Members handbook will help members and officers with expected behaviour and process.
Each Chapter will have an elected Chairperson and Council, the Chapter Chairperson automatically becomes an IIOM International director.
All member fees will be collected by local Chapters to enable them to provide services to members in accordance with IIOM International agreements. Local Chapters will be able to generate income from sponsorship locally.
A chapter fee will be payable to IIOM International as agreed by the Chapter council and the IIOM International board.
Each Chapter will generate its own budget and set membership fees locally. IIOM International remains responsible for setting membership fees for professional grades of membership.
Each Chapter will manage a local website in an appropriate language. Chapter meeting content and organisation will be locally agreed. The provision of in-country secretariat will also be decided locally.
A small number of assessed companies have become IIOM endorsed trainers and will be able to deliver the IIOM Certificate and Diploma in country or online depending on the location.
It is expected that more IIOM Endorsed trainer companies will be engaged from around the world.